The Bus Family

When it comes to family travel and spending time outdoors, the Skinners are total pros. Known to the internet as The Bus Family (@thebusfamily) on Instagram, they left life in New York to take a leap, sell their home, and buy a bus. They converted this old school bus into their home on wheels, bringing their three children along for the adventure of a lifetime.


The Bus Family's Bus

They say, “We were faced with the opportunity of getting to choose exactly how we wanted to use our most precious commodity: time. This is what we chose.”

So, Joe and Mikki along with their kids Quinn, Arlo, and Lue have quite the resume when it comes to knowing which products are worth it to tag along on the ride, and what can encourage family adventures outdoors. 

Ever heard crickets when asking your kids to get out for a walk? You’re not alone! Mikki says,

“A fun way to encourage outdoor movement with your kids in tow is to add wheels! Our kids love it when a family walk is actually them getting to ride something down and around pathways. I hear you though, the simplest and most eco-friendly activity around can also get mundane. I mean, how many times walking around the neighborhood do we all really want to go?”


Family riding Micro Scooters

Mikki’s kiddos ride on scooters from Micro Kickboard’s ECO Collection: scooters made from recycled materials. Their exceptionally smooth glide combined with the durability and style Micro is known for make them an excellent addition to any family adventure. 

When looking for other creative ways to spice up your time outdoors, Mikki has excellent recommendations. “Checking out local greenways is a great way to shake up the walk routine, and it also makes way for fresh miles to scooter. Bonus points, no cars around! Have you been able to explore a local trail with your Micro Kickboard?”

Snag a Micro scooter for your next family adventure!

Micro's Must-Haves

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