Back to School: Scoot vs. Bike

b2s_blog.pngAs the new school year approaches, parents are considering ways for their children to commute to school via bike or scooter. Both modes of transport have their advantages, but which is best for your child? Here are some observations about scooters vs bikes, to help you decide the pros and cons of each:

Kickboard Scooters

Like many families, we love bicycles and are active bikers on weekends.  However, once we discovered Micro kickboards for our kids and began using them for the commute to school, we have been accumulating reasons why scooters work perfectly for back-to-school season!


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Here are just some of the reasons:

The first big benefit of a kickboard style scooter is the ability to hop on and off easily. It sounds simplistic, but it really is so important for safety. On a kickboard scooter, the deck of the scooter is positioned low to the ground, so as the child rides, their feet are only an inch or so above the ground. This makes stepping off the scooter to avoid a problem something they can do instantaneously.  So, whether it’s a large crack in the pavement or a pedestrian on track for collision, your child can easily and instantly step off the scooter. This is an important contrast to bicycles which need to be dismounted or turned quickly in order to avoid a problem.  

From the perspective of fun, a kickboard style scooter stays upright when the rider gets off, which means it is easy to jump off when they see friends or an activity they are interested in. Their scooter is ready and waiting when they want to hop on again. The result is that kids hop on and off many times throughout the day. Hopping on and off is fun and will keep your child moving.

Scooters are social.  Your child can easily scoot alongside a friend on the way to school, or stop and chat with a passing friend. Also, the Micro scooters for adults on the market are great for joining your child for their commute to school.


Shop Adult Scooters


Another safety consideration is that while local regulations may vary, in most cases scooters are allowed on sidewalks. Scooters can be ridden at a walking pace through a congested area, enabling scooter riders to mix safely with pedestrians. This is in contrast to bicycles which are often not allowed on sidewalks. This can end up forcing kids into the street to ride.

What’s a safe speed for kids to ride their scooters? The speed of a scooter is easy to control and can be fast or slow. We estimate that our kids get to school about twice as fast as walking when they ride their Micro kickboard scooters. A good rule of thumb to tell your kids is that if they can’t hop off easily, they are probably riding too fast!


Micro kickboard scooters are exceptionally lightweight, so kids can ‘manage’ them. It means that kids can easily pick them up and carry them into a shop, their house, or their school, without difficulty.


One of the less obvious features of a kickboard-style scooter is that they avoid bike rack tangle. When your child arrives at school, they simply hop off their Micro kickboard – it stays upright and ‘parked’, until your child is ready to ride again. You can even shop our Maxi Deluxe - Folding scooter which can be easily popped into a locker or under a desk.


All this wouldn’t be very useful if the scooters weren’t reliable. Micro is the brand that has lead the revolution in high quality, durable scooters that go the distance, in style and comfort. The Maxi is the kickboard scooter designed for elementary school age kids – the Maxi is exceptionally durable -it will get your children to school and back again, day after day, literally for years. 


Micro Kickboard offers quality scooters for children and adults ages 1 to 99. They are definitely the leader in quality scooters of every kind, using the strongest, highest-quality materials available, making their products both durable AND lightweight.


However, many children still love to ride their bikes to school. Bikes are faster than scooters, and are easy to ride for several miles, so those kids who have longer to travel may choose a bike. Bikes are fun!!


Many families choose both!


So, scoot vs bike; while we know many children who opt for scooters over bikes, we know just as many who love both. And, since both last for several years, perhaps the purchase of each can be made in separate years, making it more affordable. However for our Micro family, we love our Micro kickboard scooters, for the safety of the riders and the safety of others, for its sociability and portability, the scooter wins.

Wondering which Micro would be perfect for the scooter-curious in your family? Take a short quiz to find out.

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