Scooter Care Checklist

Before you know it, spring will be here! With blooming flowers and warm sunshine, it’s the perfect time to scoot the days away.

Whether your Micro has continued to be loved throughout the winter months, or it’s ready to make its return from storage, now is the perfect time to use our simple care checklist. So grab your scooter, head to an open area, and let’s get your Micro ready for yet another season of scooting!

Graphic Graphic with the words, "Things You'll Want to Grab."

🔧Tighten Up Loose Bolts

Graphic with the words, "Tighten Up Loose Bolts."

Over miles of scooting fun, some parts on your scooter may slowly loosen. But worry not—all you have to do is grab the Allen/hex key(s) that came with your scooter and tighten the bolts!

Top tip: It's a good idea to periodically check (every 2-3 months or so) your scooter's T-bar clamp to prevent the handlebars from sliding down while riding. To do so, first open the clamp on the T-bar, then tighten the clamp's bolt clockwise.

🔍Look for Worn or Broken Parts

Graphic with the words, "Look for Worn or Broken Parts."

Look over your scooter from top to bottom, paying attention to the areas that tend to get the most love:

Handgrips: the grips on the handlebars (where your hands rest) should cushion your grip while grasping the handlebars. If you can feel any part of the handlebar through the grips, or if they’ve experienced significant wear, it’s time to replace them! These come in a whole rainbow of colors, and are a fun way to personalize your scooter! 

Shop handgrips here. 

Rear brake: Using your foot or hand, apply pressure to the brake above the rear wheel on your scooter. If the brake squeaks, feels too loose or tight, or you notice that it’s worn, it’s an easy fix! 

Simply replace the brake with a new one, found here.

Wheels: If one of your wheel's axles seems loose, it's an easy at-home solution! Simply use your scooter's included Allen/hex key(s) to tighten the bolt in the middle of your wheel. (Hint: the right axle bolt will need to be tightened clockwise, while the left axle bolt will need to be tightened counter-clockwise, since it is reverse threaded.)

If one of your wheels shows excessive wear and tear or has become flat, it may be time for a replacement. 

Click here to shop for replacement wheels.


📏Check for a Perfect Fit

Graphic with the words, "Check for a Perfect Fit."

Kids are known to grow quickly, so take some time to check the fit of your scooter to ensure it’s still the proper size. While we recommend Mini Scooters for ages 2-5 and Maxi Scooters for ages 5-12, this can depend on the rider’s height and weight. 

A quick way to determine proper fit is with a simple trick—while standing on their scooter, make sure the handlebars are resting somewhere between the rider’s stomach and chest (right around their waist). If the handlebars are still too short even when the T-bar is fully extended, it’s time to size up! 

Currently have a Mini Scooter? Read more about sizing up to a Maxi Scooter!

Currently have a Maxi Scooter? Check out our two-wheeled rides for ages 6+!


✨Make It Sparkle & Shine

Graphic with the words, "Make it Sparkle and Shine."

To keep your scooter sparkling clean, we recommend using a damp cloth or a wet wipe to wipe away any dirt or grime. Doing this after every ride (especially during the pollen-y spring months) is the best way to keep your scooter sparkling all season long!

To deep clean your scooter's handgrips, simply take a sponge and dampen it with water mixed with a drop or two of household bleach.

Top tip: When cleaning your scooter with water, remember to stay away from the wheel bearings to prevent any corrosion.


Graphic with the words, "You're Ready to Ride!"

When your scooter is in good shape and squeaky clean, you’re ready to ride!

Throw on your closed-toe shoes (without any dangling laces) and take a quick lap on a smooth, paved surface. Listen for any rattling or squeaking noises which may indicate that something is not quite right. If all sounds good, you’re ready to scoot off into the springtime sunshine!


If you have questions regarding your scooter, please reach out to our award-winning customer service team at or 888-236-5657. 

Micro's Must-Haves

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